D27 (left wing)

D27 (right wing), Borger

This hunebed is a real giant (too big for one photo !) and the biggest in Holland! 25 Yards long, 9 huge capstones, 26 sidestones, 2 endstones and a complete porch consisting of 5 passage-stones. Were here the headquarters of the Beaker Culture? Anyway, thousands of the Beaker People must have been buried in this impressive grave. Strange enough no artifacts have been found here. There are indications that in the 17th century a lot of digging took place in this grave and they left nothing behind.  
Next to D27 you will find the National Hunebedden Information Center, a permanent exposition about everything that has anything to do with hunebeds and the so called Funnel Beaker Culture in the Netherlands. In spring 2005 a brandnew Hunebed Museum will be openened.
D28 and D29