D50, Noord Sleen
This hunebed is one of my favorites. Why..? Because it is big and quite complete, because it has the most wonderful ring of big kerbstones and because almost nobody knows it..! The first time I visited this nice hunebed I was surprised not to find any signs or other facilities for visitors. Not even a bench to sit on and admire this monument. 
You can find it on the second paved side-road to the right from the main road from Noord Sleen to Zweeloo. The smaller hunebed D51 lies to the left of this side-road and D50 is nearby to the right. D50 is an eight capstones hunebed. Only one is missing. The most striking however are the 24 really big kerbstones that encircle this hunebed. Hunebeds with a ring of kerbstones are rare anyway, that's why this stonegrave is so remarkable.